
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

About the total Population in world

 Total population of Earth in different years :


  1. 2000: Approximately 6.1 billion
  2. 2001: Approximately 6.2 billion
  3. 2002: Approximately 6.3 billion
  4. 2003: Approximately 6.4 billion
  5. 2004: Approximately 6.5 billion
  6. 2005: Approximately 6.5 billion
  7. 2006: Approximately 6.6 billion
  8. 2007: Approximately 6.7 billion
  9. 2008: Approximately 6.7 billion
  10. 2009: Approximately 6.8 billion
  11. 2010: Approximately 6.9 billion
  12. 2011: Approximately 7.0 billion
  13. 2012: Approximately 7.1 billion
  14. 2013: Approximately 7.2 billion
  15. 2014: Approximately 7.3 billion
  16. 2015: Approximately 7.4 billion
  17. 2016: Approximately 7.5 billion
  18. 2017: Approximately 7.6 billion
  19. 2018: Approximately 7.6 billion
  20. 2019: Approximately 7.7 billion
  21. 2020: Approximately 7.8 billion
  22. 2021: Approximately 7.9 billion
  23. 2022: Approximately 8.0 billion
  24. 2023: Approximately 8.0 billion

Monday, May 27, 2024

Non - Islamic countries

 Non Islamic countries : 

                                "Non-Islamic nations" regularly alludes to nations where Islam isn't the dominating religion or where Islamic regulation (Sharia) isn't the premise of administration. These nations can change broadly regarding society, religion, and administration structures. Models incorporate the US, Canada, Brazil, Japan, China, India, Australia, and numerous others. Every one of these nations has its own one of a kind social, political, and social qualities molded by different factors like history, topography, and socio economics.

  1. Albania
  2. Andorra
  3. Angola
  4. Antigua and Barbuda
  5. Argentina
  6. Armenia
  7. Australia
  8. Austria
  9. Bahamas
  10. Bahrain
  11. Bangladesh
  12. Barbados
  13. Belarus
  14. Belgium
  15. Belize
  16. Benin
  17. Bhutan
  18. Bolivia
  19. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  20. Botswana
  21. Brazil
  22. Brunei
  23. Bulgaria
  24. Burkina Faso
  25. Burundi
  26. Cabo Verde
  27. Cambodia
  28. Cameroon
  29. Canada
  30. Focal African Republic
  31. Chad
  32. Chile
  33. China
  34. Colombia
  35. Comoros
  36. Congo (Popularity based Republic of the)
  37. Congo (Republic of the)
  38. Costa Rica
  39. Cote d'Ivoire
  40. Croatia
  41. Cuba
  42. Cyprus
  43. Czech Republic
  44. Denmark
  45. Djibouti
  46. Dominica
  47. Dominican Republic
  48. East Timor (Timor-Leste)
  49. Ecuador
  50. Egypt
  51. El Salvador
  52. Tropical Guinea
  53. Eritrea
  54. Estonia
  55. Eswatini (previously Swaziland)
  56. Ethiopia
  57. Fiji
  58. Finland
  59. France
  60. Gabon
  61. Gambia
  62. Georgia
  63. Germany
  64. Ghana
  65. Greece
  66. Grenada
  67. Guatemala
  68. Guinea
  69. Guinea-Bissau
  70. Guyana
  71. Haiti
  72. Honduras
  73. Hungary
  74. Iceland
  75. India
  76. Indonesia
  77. Iran
  78. Iraq
  79. Ireland
  80. Israel
  81. Italy
  82. Jamaica
  83. Japan
  84. Jordan
  85. Kazakhstan
  86. Kenya
  87. Kiribati
  88. Kosovo
  89. Kuwait
  90. Kyrgyzstan
  91. Laos
  92. Latvia
  93. Lebanon
  94. Lesotho
  95. Liberia
  96. Libya
  97. Liechtenstein
  98. Lithuania
  99. Luxembourg
  100. Madagascar
  101. Malawi
  102. Malaysia
  103. Maldives
  104. Mali
  105. Malta
  106. Marshall Islands
  107. Mauritania
  108. Mauritius
  109. Mexico
  110. Micronesia
  111. Moldova
  112. Monaco
  113. Mongolia
  114. Montenegro
  115. Morocco
  116. Mozambique
  117. Myanmar (Burma)
  118. Namibia
  119. Nauru
  120. Nepal
  121. Netherlands
  122. New Zealand
  123. Nicaragua
  124. Niger
  125. Nigeria
  126. North Korea
  127. North Macedonia (previously Macedonia)
  128. Norway
  129. Oman
  130. Pakistan
  131. Palau
  132. Panama
  133. Papua New Guinea
  134. Paraguay
  135. Peru
  136. Philippines
  137. Poland
  138. Portugal
  139. Qatar
  140. Romania
  141. Russia
  142. Rwanda
  143. Holy person Kitts and Nevis
  144. Holy person Lucia
  145. Holy person Vincent and the Grenadines
  146. Samoa
  147. San Marino
  148. Sao Book and Principe
  149. Saudi Arabia
  150. Senegal
  151. Serbia
  152. Seychelles
  153. Sierra Leone
  154. Singapore
  155. Slovakia
  156. Slovenia
  157. Solomon Islands
  158. Somalia
  159. South Africa
  160. South Korea
  161. South Sudan
  162. Spain
  163. Sri Lanka
  164. Sudan
  165. Suriname
  166. Sweden
  167. Switzerland
  168. Syria
  169. Taiwan
  170. Tajikistan
  171. Tanzania
  172. Thailand
  173. Togo
  174. Tonga
  175. Trinidad and Tobago
  176. Tunisia
  177. Turkey
  178. Turkmenistan
  179. Tuvalu
  180. Uganda
  181. Ukraine
  182. Joined Middle Easterner Emirates
  183. Joined Realm
  184. US
  185. Uruguay
  186. Uzbekistan
  187. Vanuatu
  188. Vatican City
  189. Venezuela
  190. Vietnam
  191. Yemen
  192. Zambia
  193. Zimbabwe

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Islamic Countries :

 Islamic Countries :

                        There are all Islamic countries in the world .

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Algeria
  3. Azerbaijan
  4. Bahrain
  5. Bangladesh
  6. Brunei
  7. Burkina Faso
  8. Chad
  9. Comoros
  10. Djibouti
  11. Egypt
  12. Gambia
  13. Guinea
  14. Indonesia
  15. Iran
  16. Iraq
  17. Jordan
  18. Kazakhstan
  19. Kuwait
  20. Kyrgyzstan
  21. Lebanon
  22. Libya
  23. Malaysia
  24. Maldives
  25. Mali
  26. Mauritania
  27. Morocco
  28. Niger
  29. Nigeria
  30. Oman
  31. Pakistan
  32. Palestine
  33. Qatar
  34. Saudi Arabia
  35. Senegal
  36. Sierra Leone
  37. Somalia
  38. Sudan
  39. Syria
  40. Tajikistan
  41. Tanzania
  42. Tunisia
  43. Turkey
  44. Turkmenistan
  45. Uganda
  46. Joined Middle Easterner Emirates
  47. Uzbekistan
  48. Yemen

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Oceans of the world :

 Oceans of the world :

                      There are 5 Oceans in the world.

1. Pacific Ocean

2. Atlantic Ocean

3. Indian Ocean

4. Southern Ocean

5. Arctic Ocean

1.Pacific Ocean :

                  The Pacific Ocean , the biggest and most profound of Earth's Ocean , is a huge spread of water covering roughly 63 million square miles (165 million square kilometers). Extending from the Cold in the north to the Antarctic in the south, it isolates the landmasses of Asia and Australia toward the west from the Americas toward the east. Its monstrosity is unrivaled, involving around 46% of the World's water surface and around 33% of its complete surface region. The Pacific Ocean  is known for its stunning biodiversity, facilitating a wide exhibit of marine life, from minuscule microscopic fish to huge whales. Its waters are home to great many islands, including the popular Hawaiian Islands and far off atolls, each with one of a kind biological systems molded by volcanic movement and coral reef development. Past its biological importance, the Pacific additionally holds gigantic social and monetary significance, supporting enterprises like fishing, transportation, and the travel industry across the assorted countries that boundary its shores.

Moreover, the Pacific Ocean  assumes an essential part in controlling the worldwide environment framework. Its tremendous region impacts weather conditions and Ocean  flows, forming environments across landmasses. The Pacific is famous for its environment peculiarities, for example, El Niño and La Niña occasions, which can significantly affect climate, horticulture, and biological systems around the world. Moreover, the Oceans , profound channels, incorporating the Mariana Channel with its Challenger Profound, dig to amazing profundities, uncovering the planet's geologic intricacy. In spite of its colossal size, the Pacific Sea faces various difficulties, including over fishing, contamination, and the effects of environmental change. Understanding and saving this crucial maritime environment are fundamental for defending the well being of our planet and guaranteeing a manageable future for a long time into the future.

2.Atlantic Ocean :

                             The Atlantic Ocean, the second-greatest ocean on earth, ranges around 41 million square miles (106 million square kilometers) and stretches from the Cool in the north to the Antarctic in the south. It secludes the expanses of land of Europe and Africa eastward from the Americas westward. The Atlantic Ocean is renowned for its evident significance, as it has for a long while been a fundamental course for examination, trade, and social exchange between the Old World and the New World.

One of the describing features of the Atlantic Ocean is the Mid-Atlantic Edge, a massive lowered mountain range that runs down its center, apportioning the ocean into the North Atlantic and South Atlantic. This edge is an outcome of underlying development, where the North American and Eurasian plates float isolated from the South American and African plates. The Atlantic Ocean is in like manner home to various islands, archipelagos, and ocean front locale, each with its own unique organic frameworks and social heritage.

The Atlantic Ocean expects a fundamental part in controlling overall climate plans, with its warm Cove Stream rhythmic movement affecting environment systems along the eastern bank of North America and Europe. It is moreover known for its different marine life, supporting conditions going from the rich coral reefs of the Caribbean to the infection waters of the North Atlantic. Despite its natural and financial importance, the Atlantic Ocean faces different hardships, including over fishing, pollution, and the impacts of ecological change. Conservation attempts are central to shield this significant marine environment and assurance its legitimacy for individuals later on.

3.Indian Ocean :

                           The Indian Ocean is the third-greatest ocean on earth, covering generally 27.2 million square miles (70.6 million square kilometers). It is restricted by Asia northward, Africa westward, Australia eastward, and the Southern Ocean southward. Known for its warm waters, the Indian Ocean expects a colossal part in trim the climate and weather patterns of the enveloping regions.

One of the specific features of the Indian Ocean is its gigantic extent of tropical waters, which support an alternate bunch of marine life, including coral reefs, colorful fish, and marine warm blooded animals. The ocean is moreover home to different islands and archipelagos, similar to the Maldives, Seychelles, and Madagascar, each parading stand-out conditions and social inheritance.

The Indian Ocean has been a basic maritime course for trade and social exchange for quite a while, communicating the civic establishments of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Its fundamental region has made it a middle point for worldwide conveyance, fishing, and resource extraction. In any case, as various oceans, the Indian Ocean faces challenges, for instance, over fishing, defilement, and the impacts of ecological change, which compromise the strength of its sea life natural frameworks and the occupations of ocean front organizations.

Attempts to direct and sensibly manage the Indian Ocean's resources are principal for saving its biodiversity and ensuring the flourishing of millions of people who depend upon it for food, occupations, and social character. Facilitated exertion among nations coating the Indian Ocean is essential for watching out for these hardships and propelling the possible usage of its resources from now onward, indefinitely.

4. Southern Ocean :

                          The Southern Ocean, generally called the Antarctic Ocean, incorporates the frozen body of land of Antarctica. It connects from the coastline of Antarctica to the bank of South America, Africa, and Australia, and covers an area of around 20 million square kilometers. It is the freshest of the world's five oceans, having been relegated as an alternate ocean in 2000.

The following are a couple of basic real factors about the Southern Ocean:

- It is the coldest ocean, with an ordinary temperature of - 1.8°C (28.8°F).

- It is the saltiest ocean, with an ordinary pungency of 34.5 parts per thousand.

- It is home to an alternate extent of marine life, including penguins, seals, and whales.

- It expects a fundamental part in the overall ocean course and climate rule.

- It is depicted solid areas for by and colossal waves, making it a troublesome environment for boats and sailors.

Overall, the Southern Ocean is an extraordinary and critical area of the planet ocean structure, and its survey and conservation are imperative for understanding and shielding our planet's marine surroundings.

5. Arctic Ocean :


The Chilly Ocean, organized around the North Pole, is the tiniest and shallowest of Earth's oceans, covering generally 5.4 million square miles (14 million square kilometers). Its bone chilling waters are portrayed by expansive sea ice cover, particularly all through the chilly climate months, making it one of the coldest and most reserved regions on the planet. No matter what its unforgiving conditions, the Frosty Ocean maintains an alternate show of marine life, including polar bears, seals, walruses, and different fish species, acclimated to scrape by in the frigid environment. In any case, the Cool climate is dynamically subverted by ecological change, with expanding temperatures provoking the accelerated relaxing of sea ice and permafrost, introducing basic troubles for the area's untamed life and local organizations.

The Chilly Ocean is similarly of creating revenue for its normal oil, gas, and mineral resources, provoking extended examination and financial activity in the area. In any case, such activities go with normal risks and stresses over their impact on the sensitive Cold organic framework and the overall climate. Conservation tries and worldwide cooperation are vital for address these troubles and assurance the viable organization of the Frigid Ocean's resources for individuals later on.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Detail about Continents

About continents :

There are seven continents in the world .
  1. ASIA :
Asia is the world's biggest mainland, covering roughly 30% of the World's territory region and home to over 4.6 billion individuals, which is the greater part of the total populace. It is unquestionably different, both socially and geologically, enveloping many scenes, environments, dialects, and nationalities.

Geologically, Asia is lined by the Cold Sea toward the north, the Pacific Sea toward the east, the Indian Sea toward the south, and Europe and Africa toward the west. It incorporates various nations, from the huge fields of Russia in the north to the tropical islands of Southeast Asia, and from the deserts of the Center East to the high mountain scopes of the Himalayas.

Asia plays had a focal impact in mankind's set of experiences for millennia, being the origin of a large number of the world's most established civilizations, remembering those for Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, and China. It has been a center point of exchange, culture, and development, with the Silk Street interfacing the East and West for a really long time.

Today, Asia is a dynamic and quickly creating district, with nations like China, India, Japan, and South Korea driving the way in financial development, mechanical development, and social impact. Be that as it may, it likewise faces various difficulties, including destitution, political shakiness, ecological debasement, and provincial struggles.

By and large, Asia's rich history, different societies, and critical worldwide effect make it an entrancing and complex landmass with much to investigate and comprehend.

2. Africa :

The second biggest mainland on the planet is Africa. It is lined by the Mediterranean Ocean toward the north, the Atlantic Sea toward the west, the Indian Sea toward the southeast, and the Red Ocean toward the upper east. Africa covers roughly 20% of the World's territory region and is home to over 1.3 billion individuals, addressing around 16% of the total populace.

Africa is inconceivably different, both socially and geologically. It contains huge deserts like the Sahara in the north, the world's biggest hot desert, as well as thick rainforests like those tracked down in the Congo Bowl. The mainland additionally flaunts extensive savannas, high levels, and transcending mountain ranges like the Chart book Mountains in the north and the Ethiopian High countries in the east.

Over the entire course of time, Africa has been home to a portion of the world's most seasoned civilizations, including old Egypt, Nubia, and Axum. It has additionally been a site of huge social and financial trade, with shipping lanes like the trans-Saharan exchange and the Indian Sea exchange interfacing it to different regions of the planet.

Today, Africa is a mainland of extraordinary differences. While it has a portion of the world's quickest developing economies and is plentiful in regular assets like oil, minerals, and arable land, it likewise faces various difficulties, including neediness, political shakiness, defilement, and progressing clashes.

Notwithstanding these difficulties, Africa is a lively and various landmass with a rich social legacy and massive potential for development and improvement.

3.North America :

The third biggest mainland on the planet is North America. It is lined by the Cold Sea toward the north, the Atlantic Sea toward the east, the Pacific Sea toward the west and south, and South America toward the southeast. North America covers an area of roughly 24.71 million square kilometers (9.54 million square miles).

North America is known for its assorted geology, including huge fields, tough mountain ranges, thick woods, and far reaching deserts. It is home to famous regular milestones like the Great Gully, Yellowstone Public Park, and the Rough Mountains.

The mainland is included three significant nations: the US, Canada, and Mexico, as well as a few more modest domains and island countries. The US is the biggest country by both land region and populace, trailed by Canada and afterward Mexico.

North America has been occupied by native people groups for millennia, with different societies and developments prospering across the mainland some time before the appearance of European pioneers. European colonization started in the fifteenth hundred years, prompting tremendous changes in the socio economics, societies, and scenes of the district.

Today, North America is perhaps of the most financially evolved and mechanically progressed district on the planet. It assumes a predominant part in worldwide governmental issues, financial matters, and culture, with significant urban communities like New York City, Los Angeles, Toronto, and Mexico City filling in as focuses of business, development, and diversion.

3. South America :

The fourth biggest landmass on the planet is South America. It is lined by the Caribbean Ocean toward the northwest, the Atlantic Sea toward the upper east and east, the Pacific Sea toward the west and south, and North America and the Antarctic Sea toward the north and south, separately. South America covers an area of around 17.84 million square kilometers (6.89 million square miles).

South America is known for its dazzling normal excellence, different scenes, and rich biodiversity. It is home to the Amazon Rainforest, the biggest tropical rainforest on the planet, as well as the Andes Mountains, the longest mountain range on The planet. The mainland additionally includes sweeping fields, high levels, and waterfront locales.

South America is involved 12 nations: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela, as well as the abroad region of French Guiana.

The native people groups of South America have a rich social legacy that goes back millennia, with civic establishments like the Inca, the Maya, and the Aztec leaving enduring heritages in workmanship, engineering, and innovation.

European colonization of South America started in the late fifteenth hundred years, prompting critical social trade and the foundation of frontier realms, especially by Spain and Portugal. This pioneer heritage significantly affects the dialects, religions, and societies of the area.

Today, South America is a different and dynamic mainland with a developing economy, rich social legacy, and expanding worldwide impact. Significant urban communities like São Paulo, Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, and Bogotá are focuses of trade, culture, and advancement. Be that as it may, the mainland additionally faces difficulties like destitution, disparity, political shakiness, and ecological corruption.

5. Antarctica : 

The fifth largest continent in the world is Antarctica. It is unique among the continents because it is mostly covered by ice, with an average elevation much higher than that of the other continents. Antarctica is located almost entirely within the Antarctic Circle and is surrounded by the Southern Ocean.

Antarctica has an area of approximately 14 million square kilometers (5.4 million square miles), making it larger than Europe and Australia, but smaller than Asia, Africa, North America, and South America.

Despite its harsh climate and extreme conditions, Antarctica is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including penguins, seals, whales, and various species of birds. The continent also contains valuable scientific research stations operated by numerous countries for studying climate change, geology, biology, and astronomy.

Antarctica is governed by the Antarctic Treaty System, which regulates human activity on the continent and promotes scientific research and environmental protection. The treaty, signed in 1959 and entered into force in 1961, prohibits military activity, mineral mining, and nuclear testing, and ensures that Antarctica remains a place of international cooperation and peaceful scientific exploration.

6. Europe :

The 6th biggest landmass on the planet is Europe. It is lined by the Icy Sea toward the north, the Atlantic Sea toward the west, the Mediterranean Ocean toward the south, and Asia toward the east. Europe covers an area of around 10.18 million square kilometers (3.93 million square miles).

Europe is known for its different societies, rich history, and famous tourist spots. It is home to large numbers of the world's most seasoned human advancements, including those of antiquated Greece and Rome. The landmass has been a focal point of worldwide power and impact for a really long time, with significant domains like the Roman Realm, the English Domain, and the French Realm molding its set of experiences.

Today, Europe is included 50 nations, going from little city-states like Vatican City to enormous countries like Russia. The European Association (EU) is a political and financial association of 27 European nations that have consented to collaborate intently on different issues, including exchange, movement, and natural security.

Europe is known for its different scenes, from the snow-covered pinnacles of the Alps to the sandy sea shores of the Mediterranean coast. It is additionally home to numerous renowned urban areas, including Paris, London, Berlin, Rome, and Madrid, which draw in great many vacationers every year with their rich social legacy, staggering engineering, and lively nightlife.

Notwithstanding its moderately little size contrasted with different landmasses, Europe assumes a critical part in worldwide undertakings, with a solid economy, high level foundation, and compelling social products in regions like workmanship, writing, and music. Be that as it may, the mainland likewise faces difficulties, for example, maturing populaces, migration issues, and international pressures.

7 .  Australia :

Australia is a remarkable landmass and nation situated in the Southern Half of the globe, containing the central area of the Australian mainland along with the island of Tasmania and various more modest islands. Here is an outline:

1. **Geography**: Australia is the world's 6th biggest nation via land region, covering around 7.7 million square kilometers (around 2.97 million square miles). It is encircled by the Indian Sea and the Pacific Sea.

2. **Climate**: The environment of Australia changes significantly because of its size. It goes from tropical in the north to mild in the south. The inside of the nation is for the most part dry or semi-dry, known as the Outback, with tremendous deserts, for example, the Incomparable Victoria Desert and the Simpson Desert.

3. **Flora and Fauna**: Australia is renowned for its remarkable and various natural life, including marsupials like kangaroos, koalas, and wombats, as well as notorious birds like the emu and the kookaburra. The nation is likewise home to a wide assortment of reptiles, including crocodiles and snakes. Its vegetation is similarly different, with one of a kind animal categories, for example, eucalyptus trees and different sorts of acacias.

4. **Population and Cities**: Australia has a somewhat little populace contrasted with its size, with around 25 million individuals. Most of the populace is amassed in seaside urban areas like Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Adelaide. Canberra is the capital city, found inland.

5. **Culture**: Australia has a rich social legacy impacted by Native Australian practices, English frontier history, and influxes of migration from different regions of the planet. It is known for its energetic expressions scene, different cooking, outside way of life, and love for sports like cricket, rugby, and Australian Standards football.

6. **Economy**: Australia has an exceptionally evolved and differentiated economy, with key ventures including mining, farming, the travel industry, and administrations. It is one of the world's biggest makers of minerals like iron metal, coal, gold, and uranium.

7. **Political Structure**: Australia is a government parliamentary vote based system and an established government, with Sovereign Elizabeth II as the head of state. The Australian Parliament comprises of two houses: the Place of Delegates and the Senate. The Top state leader is the head of government.

By and large, Australia is an entrancing and various nation known for its shocking normal scenes, special untamed life, and energetic culture.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Continents of the world

 Continents of the World :

 There are seven (7) Oceans in the world . Name of Oceans are :
  1. Asia 
  2. Europe 
  3. North America 
  4. South America 
  5. Australia 
  6. Africa 
  7. Antarctica 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Countries of world

 Countries of World :

Listing all the countries in the world is quite an extensive task! As of my last update, there are 195 countries in the world, recognized by the United Nations. Here they are, organized by continent:

**Africa (54)**

1. Algeria

2. Angola

3. Benin

4. Botswana

5. Burkina Faso

6. Burundi

7. Cabo Verde

8. Cameroon

9. Central African Republic

10. Chad

11. Comoros

12. Democratic Republic of the Congo

13. Republic of the Congo

14. Djibouti

15. Egypt

16. Equatorial Guinea

17. Eritrea

18. Eswatini

19. Ethiopia

20. Gabon

21. Gambia

22. Ghana

23. Guinea

24. Guinea-Bissau

25. Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire)

26. Kenya

27. Lesotho

28. Liberia

29. Libya

30. Madagascar

31. Malawi

32. Mali

33. Mauritania

34. Mauritius

35. Morocco

36. Mozambique

37. Namibia

38. Niger

39. Nigeria

40. Rwanda

41. São Tomé and Príncipe

42. Senegal

43. Seychelles

44. Sierra Leone

45. Somalia

46. South Africa

47. South Sudan

48. Sudan

49. Tanzania

50. Togo

51. Tunisia

52. Uganda

53. Zambia

54. Zimbabwe

**Asia (49)**

1. Afghanistan

2. Armenia

3. Azerbaijan

4. Bahrain

5. Bangladesh

6. Bhutan

7. Brunei

8. Cambodia

9. China

10. Cyprus

11. Georgia

12. India

13. Indonesia

14. Iran

15. Iraq

16. Israel

17. Japan

18. Jordan

19. Kazakhstan

20. Kuwait

21. Kyrgyzstan

22. Laos

23. Lebanon

24. Malaysia

25. Maldives

26. Mongolia

27. Myanmar (Burma)

28. Nepal

29. North Korea

30. Oman

31. Pakistan

32. Palestine

33. Philippines

34. Qatar

35. Russia

36. Saudi Arabia

37. Singapore

38. South Korea

39. Sri Lanka

40. Syria

41. Taiwan

42. Tajikistan

43. Thailand

44. Timor-Leste

45. Turkey

46. Turkmenistan

47. United Arab Emirates

48. Uzbekistan

49. Vietnam

50. Yemen (Note: This count includes Taiwan, which is not recognized by the United Nations as a sovereign state but is generally considered a country by many.)

**Europe (44)**

1. Albania

2. Andorra

3. Austria

4. Belarus

5. Belgium

6. Bosnia and Herzegovina

7. Bulgaria

8. Croatia

9. Czech Republic

10. Denmark

11. Estonia

12. Finland

13. France

14. Germany

15. Greece

16. Hungary

17. Iceland

18. Ireland

19. Italy

20. Kosovo

21. Latvia

22. Liechtenstein

23. Lithuania

24. Luxembourg

25. Malta

26. Moldova

27. Monaco

28. Montenegro

29. Netherlands

30. North Macedonia

31. Norway

32. Poland

33. Portugal

34. Romania

35. Russia

36. San Marino

37. Serbia

38. Slovakia

39. Slovenia

40. Spain

41. Sweden

42. Switzerland

43. Ukraine

44. United Kingdom

45. Vatican City

**North America (23)**

1. Antigua and Barbuda

2. Bahamas

3. Barbados

4. Belize

5. Canada

6. Costa Rica

7. Cuba

8. Dominica

9. Dominican Republic

10. El Salvador

11. Grenada

12. Guatemala

13. Haiti

14. Honduras

15. Jamaica

16. Mexico

17. Nicaragua

18. Panama

19. Saint Kitts and Nevis

20. Saint Lucia

21. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

22. Trinidad and Tobago

23. United States

**Oceania (14)**

1. Australia

2. Fiji

3. Kiribati

4. Marshall Islands

5. Micronesia

6. Nauru

7. New Zealand

8. Palau

9. Papua New Guinea

10. Samoa

11. Solomon Islands

12. Tonga

13. Tuvalu

14. Vanuatu

**South America (12)**

1. Argentina

2. Bolivia

3. Brazil

4. Chile

5. Colombia

6. Ecuador

7. Guyana

8. Paraguay

9. Peru

10. Suriname

11. Uruguay

12. Venezuela

And there you have it, the countries of the world!

About the total Population in world

  Total population of Earth in different years :                 2000: Approximately 6.1 billion 2001: Approximately 6.2 billion 2002: Appro...